The talks between Kuwait and Manila has kicked off with the arrival of the visiting Filipino delegation to Kuwait, in an attempt to resolve the crisis that has worsened and last week led to the suspension of visas for Filipino workers.

Informed sources told Al-Rai that the delegation, which includes officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Employment Abroad, met with Kuwaiti officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Public Authority for Manpower, in search of a legal solution that satisfies both sides.

The same sources said the positions are still divergent, but officials on both sides are working to bridge the gap as much as possible, especially since there is agreement on many of the claims that the Philippines government wants are enshrined in Kuwaiti laws, but some of them need to be activated.

The sources pointed out that according to the current situation, there does not seem to be a solution soon leading to the resumption of the issuance of visas for Filipino workers, despite the assurance of the visiting delegation that Manila is seriously considering lifting the ban that was temporarily imposed on sending its workers to Kuwait last February.

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