Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, H.E. Igor Hajdusek completes his four-year tenure as ambassador of his country to Kuwait on 30 October.

Addressing a farewell event arranged for him at the Palm Beach Hotel by his diplomatic colleagues, Ambassador Hajdusek said, “After almost four years here, on 30 October, I will complete my term as Slovak Ambassador to Kuwait. I will also be concluding over 30 years of active diplomatic service to my country and will retire with much satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.

“During my tenure in Kuwait I held many cooperative events with the Kuwaiti side, in the political, business, cultural, and sport areas, as well as facilitating medical treatment for many Kuwaitis at our well-known Piestany Spa,” he added.

“On a more personal note,I thank you for giving me your precious time and attending this farewell event. I would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to you and to extend my sincere thanks for the care, support and trust I have received during my last four years here in the country.

“Thank you all for the understanding that has always been there, your kind cooperation with me and the Embassy of the Slovak Republic. I would like to thank the heads of missions in Kuwait for your friendship and sharing of experience, and representatives of the media for their excellent coverage of our events. Special thanks goes to management of Palms Beach Hotel headed by General Manager Mr. Rabih Al Atrash, and Sales Manager Mr. Ahmed Dacrouri, and to staff of the hotel for always supporting us; and to Mr. Nematallah and Mr. Barghaut for their support in cultural activities and during business events, and to all of you who are here today with us.

“Finally, at this pivotal point in my life, I would like to point out that at the end of my tenure in Kuwait, I will retire after long service at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

“A new chapter of my life will be opened for me to enjoy my personal life with family and close friends. I hope to be in touch with all of you. Together with my wife Lydka, I wish everyone good health, happiness and success, and for the host country more progress and prosperity. Thank you and God bless all.”

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