A man reaches for drugs, the fight against drug addiction. Social problem, drug addiction, death, addiction.

The experts and psychologists warn about the danger of drugs to society and have listed a number of factors that increase rate of addiction among young people and adolescents, which in most cases is tied to excessive indulgence, family disintegration, and bad friends.

With the large number of campaigns by government agencies and civil society organizations, a local Arabic daily says, young people find it easy to try various types of drugs which ultimately destroy their future and the lives of their families and people closest to them and leaves a negative impact on everyone around them.

The problem begins with experimentation, then easy repetition, then falling into the clutches of addiction, that finally becomes a threat to the family and society, and this happens in light of many factors that help parents discover their children’s abuse, including depression, isolation, spending money a lot, theft of jewelry and belongings from the house, and other issues. Experts and trainers in the “Grass” project stressed the seriousness of the scourge of addiction, as it is a tool that destroys the society.

The experts pointed out that the rate of increase in drug addiction among children and more than 50 percent among the most prominent justifications is the desire for experimentation, imaginary euphoria, and escaping from reality.

The psychotherapist, a member of the Youth Protection Team from Drugs, Ali Al-Sultan, focused in his speech on the biological aspect and the psychological, social and educational dimensions of abuse, stressing that there is no addiction by chance, but there is a self-psychological readiness to accept abuse, noting that there are multiple causes and factors that may lead to abuse, combined or separate that drift towards addiction.

Al-Sultan, who is a certified trainer in “Grass”, mentioned that the causes of addiction are many, most notably the biological aspect, as some sources and research mention that an abusing father or mother may expose their children to abuse at a rate of 50%. The cruelty of parents and failure to recognize the needs of their children may lead to unexpected adverse results.

He pointed out that most of the addicts started using drugs because of the enthusiasm of young people and bad friends, in addition to other reasons that may be related to the psychological state or depression, and curiosity, adventure and experience are things that may push the young man or woman to fall into it, and it is possible that one experience is enough to drown and not being able to get out of it.

For her part, Mona Al-Saqr, Executive Director of “Grass Tech”, which is one of the projects emanating from “Grass”, said that scientists divide drugs according to their effect into depressants, stimulants and hallucinogens, and each of these divisions has a different effect on the psychological and mental state, but they are similar in harm and the deterioration of the psychological and mental state.

Al-Saqr indicated that most of them lead to a change in the structure of the brain, in addition to a defect in the way it works and the emergence of many negative behaviors on drug users, such as the speed of disorder and the constant feeling of anxiety or depression, as well as an increase in its aggressiveness.

It also indicated problems concentrating or thinking clearly, memory problems, feeling elated, exaggerated confidence, speaking quickly or slurred, nervousness, anxiety or paranoia, disturbed consciousness, increased alertness, insomnia, and decreased sense of pain.

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