Academic experts and specialists in psychological, security and legal sciences stressed the importance of expanding scientific research and studying what is known as “digital drugs” or “electronic abuse” and the extent of their impact on the recipient and finding special legal legislation to deal with them.

The experts explained in separate interviews with KUNA that “digital drugs” are nothing but illusions that haunt young people and are not considered real abuse like chemical drugs, as they are done by listening to rhythms in a certain way to cause a psychological state in the recipient that is somewhat similar to what it generates such as in case of drug abuse, reports a local Arabic daily.

The head of the Mental Health Division at Jaber Al-Ahmad Armed Forces Hospital, Colonel Doctor Nawaf Al-Qadiri, said, “Digital drugs are a modern fad in the world of drugs that are completely different from traditional drugs natural or chemically prepared.

Al-Qadiri added that these drugs work when the brain is exposed to tonal oscillations through digital files that lead to the secretion of some brain neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin in high quantities, which leads to a brain and mental state similar to that of a user of illegal narcotic substances such as heroin, cocaine, cannabis and other manufactured substances. The relative effect varies from person to person.

He explained that at the outset it is necessary to know that the tonal or digital frequencies are audio files that contain mono or binary tones that the user listens to, leading to an effect that simulates hallucinations and high states associated with drug use.

He stated that some of these frequencies are present on the Internet under the names of criminal substances such as cannabis, cocaine, heroin and psychotropic drugs, which may open the door to addiction, indicating that all that an individual needs is earphones according to these frequencies.

Al-Qadiri pointed out that this type of digital drug can be stored on smart phones, which makes tracking it illegal and requires special legislation, adding that “musical drugs” are accompanied by special rituals to achieve high levels of euphoria, the first of which is complete isolation and cut off from the outside world.

He mentioned that after selecting a certain degree of vibrations, the addict or listener feels harmony with the vocal tones at first, then begins with a sense of detachment from reality, sometimes feeling dizzy, rapid breathing, and an increase in heartbeat. It causes mental wandering and separation from reality

Al-Qadiri explained that digital drugs have a bad effect on the user with their musical tones, because they not only make the recipient feel elated, but also cause him what is known as a moment of mental wandering, as it causes separation from reality and concentration decreases sharply at a time when some studies have proven that tonal oscillations change brain electricity.

He pointed out that there are different types of audio clips that simulate the effect of narcotic substances, and the duration of the dose ranges between 15 and 30 minutes for moderate clips or 45 minutes for severe clips.

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