The National Assembly.

The Interior and Defense Committee of the National Assembly approved a draft law regarding the ordinary residence permit of expatriates which can be issued for a period not exceeding 5 years and 15 years for investors.

The draft law stated that a residence permit for a period not exceeding ten years may be granted to children of Kuwaiti women and property owners in the State of Kuwait.

It is also permissible to issue residence for a period not exceeding fifteen years for investors who are issued a decision by the Council of Ministers specifying the field of their investments, their categories and the money to be invested.

In all cases, the passport must be valid. If the residence has expired or the renewal request is refused, the expatriate must leave the State of Kuwait unless he is authorized to obtain a new residence, and the Minister of Interior shall specify the conditions and procedures for granting residence.

With the exception of children of Kuwaiti women and real estate owners and those who obtained residency in their capacity as an investor, a resident expatriate may not stay outside the State of Kuwait for a period of more than six months, unless, before the end of this period, he obtains permission to do so from the Ministry of Interior, otherwise his right to the residency will be forfeited.

The domestic worker may not stay outside the State of Kuwait for a period of more than four months, unless, before the expiry of this period, he/she obtains permission to do so from the Ministry of Interior, otherwise his right to the residence will be forfeited.

It is stated in Chapter Five of the Rules for the Deportation and Exit of Foreigners that the Minister of Interior may issue a decision to deport any expatriate within a certain period, even if he has obtained a residence permit in the following cases:

1 – If he does not have a legitimate source of income.
2 – If he violates the provisions of Article (19) of this law.
3 – If the Minister of Interior considers that his expulsion is required by the public interest, public security or public morals.

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