The European Parliament voted on Monday, in favor of a proposal to return the issue of exempting the citizens of Kuwait and Qatar from the “Schengen” visa to the Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.

Before the parliament’s vote in its plenary assembly, Eric Marquardt, the Rapporteur of the report on the visa file, told the session held at the parliament’s headquarters in Strasbourg, France, “I decided, with the approval of the political groups, to return the file to the committee,” reports a local Arabic daily quoting KUNA

On Thursday, December 1, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs in the European Parliament announced the approval of exempting Kuwaiti citizens from the Schengen visa with conditions.

The text of the resolution, which was approved by 42 members against the rejection of 16 members, stated, “In the case of the State of Kuwait, the members of the committee support the visa exemption, provided that the application of the death penalty is suspended, which must be valid before the implementation of the exemption through bilateral negotiations.”

The committee also approved the proposal to exempt citizens of Qatar, Oman and Ecuador.

The head of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs in the European Parliament, Juan Fernando, confirmed in statements to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that exempting Kuwaiti citizens from the Schengen visa is a good step that will contribute to cooperation and mutual understanding, not only in the tourism field, but also in the commercial fields and academic and scientific exchange).

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