The Turkish Ambassador to Kuwait, HE Aisha Hilal Koytak, described her country’s cooperation with Kuwait as strategic, explaining that Kuwait is one of the important active players in achieving stability in the region, and her country attaches great importance to consultation and dialogue with this country.

In an exclusive interview with a local Arabic daily, the Turkish envoy pointed out there are 40 agreements and memoranda of understanding that guide bilateral relations between the two countries in various fields of bilateral cooperation, and revealed that the next meeting of the joint committee between the two countries will be held in Kuwait during 2023.

She pointed out Turkish contracting companies implemented 49 projects in Kuwait worth $8.4 billion, while the total Kuwaiti direct investments in Turkey was $2 billion, pointing out there are 382 Kuwaiti companies operating in her country in the fields of finance, real estate, trade and industry.

She indicated 246,000 Kuwaiti tourists visited Turkey during the year 2021, hoping to increase the numbers during the coming period, pointing out that there is progress in talks between the ministries of health in the two countries to include Turkey in Kuwait’s program to send patients for treatment to Turkey. She stated that the Kuwaiti National Assembly is one of the strongest and most independent parliaments in the Arab world.

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