The Ministry of Education is in the process of announcing again all vacant positions in the various sectors, educational regions and central administrations, and interview are expected to be held immediately for the announced jobs next month.

Informed sources told Al-Qabas daily the ministry will announce the vacancies of the vital central departments first as soon as possible, and then the supervisors and department heads in various sectors will follow, indicating that the announcement of the vacancies of directors of the General Services, Supplies and Warehouses Department is ready and will be uploaded on the ministry website soon.

The sources stated that there is seriousness on the part of officials in filling vacancies in order to avoid the problems that some sectors suffer from, in implementation of the directives of the Minister of Education, Dr. Hamad Al-Adwani, expecting new decisions to be issued in the ministry during the coming period.

Moreover, the Assistant Undersecretary for Financial and Administrative Affairs, Saud Al-Juwaiser, has issued a decision to temporary assign Nashimiya Al-Dhafiri to carry out the work of Director of the Supplies and Warehouse Department, Walid Al-Shammari to carry out the work of Director of the General Services Department, and Abdul Rahman Al-Barrak to carry out the work of Director of the Financial Department.

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