Informed sources said the Ministry of Education has addressed the Ministry of Interior to cancel the residence permits of about 2,400 expatriate male and female teachers in various specializations, including 1,900 whose services were terminated due to their inclusion in the replacement plan, in addition to 500 who have since resigned their jobs.

The sources confirmed the keenness of the Human Resources Department in the Ministry of Education to complete the transactions of non-Kuwaiti teachers whose services ended at the end of the current academic year 2022-2023, and to complete the procedures for settling their dues and canceling their residencies as soon as possible, so that they do not incur any fines or fees, reports Al-Qabas daily.

The sources pointed out that the Ministry of Interior will give employees whose services have ended 3 months grace period in order to settle their dues and their status in general. The sources indicated that Education Ministry is keen not to delay the completion of residence cancellation procedures to enable the teachers to travel to their countries at the specified time and to avoid delays and loss of ticket reservations.

On the other hand, the Education Ministry has asked the Ministry of Health to expedite the medical examination procedures for newly hired educational staff working in the ministry of both the Palestinian and Jordanian teachers, after a delay of up to 30 days.

Informed sources confirmed that the Expatriate Labor Examination Department, the Tuberculosis Control Unit and Ports Health authorities in the Ministry of Health were late in sending the results of the examination to the Ministry of Interior, which resulted in the disruption of the distribution of teachers to schools.

The Education Ministry stressed the need for the procedures to be completed quickly. The sources pointed to the continuation of the Education Ministry in its plan for the replacement policy, which it approved about 3 months ago under the directives of Minister Dr Hamad Al-Adwani, pointing out that what is being raised on the ground about freezing decisions or postponing the termination of the services of those covered by replacement for a year is incorrect.

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