The Committee to follow up on the implementation of health requirements issued list recommendations for the reopening of restaurants and cafes, from Sunday, May 23, Al Qabas reported.

The Chairman of the Committee, Eng. Ahmed Al-Manfouhi announced that customers would be allowed to sit in restaurants and cafe halls from 5 am to 8 pm and that after this period takeaway is allowed with adherence to the health requirements.

Al-Manfuhi said that the resumption of dine-in restaurants and cafes will be subjected to assessments taking into account the epidemiological situation with the gradual return to normal life.

Al-Manfouhi added that the committee continues its work in following up all the decisions and procedures issued by the Council of Ministers.

He explained that the committee has set working times for restaurants and cafes to receive customers, provided that they comply with the directives issued by the Council of Ministers, in addition to the commitment to the appointment system and reservation of tables before entering the restaurant or cafe.

This step is to prevent rush in the halls of restaurants and cafes.

He pointed out that the requirements for the conduct of restaurants and cafes included the application of several procedures, the most prominent of which is the use of electronic payment methods and to avoid the use of paper currencies.

In addition, restaurant workers must monitor their health daily at home before going to work, as well as examining them in the workplace.

And the requirements also included the follow-up of preventive measures, the most important of which is checking the temperature at the entrances, while adhering to an area of not less than two meters between customers’ tables, in addition to cleaning and disinfecting equipment and tools used more than once, while prohibiting buffets.

The workers are also instructed to wearing gloves And masks during their interaction with customers.

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