People who have been imprisoned for owing small debts are to be released in a measure aimed at reducing overcrowding in jails that could potentially lead to the spread of COVID-19 infection.

On Tuesday, Civil Execution Judges decided to release about 75 people remanded in the Civil Execution Administration in Sulaibiyah area. The Civil Execution Administration has also been asked to look into the files of people arrested by the police during the holiday period in connection with civil and financial offenses, so that they could be given a grace period to pay their debts.

The decision to release the debtors was taken in light of the exceptional circumstances the country is currently going through, and police officers have now been instructed not to arrest any person who faces civil financial lawsuit in the coming period.

Meanwhile, owners of cafés who have been affected by the closure of their outlets due to precautionary health measures, have decried that they are still obliged to pay monthly rents.

Clarifying this issue, lawyer Mubarak Al-Nuwaibet said that a legal committee in the Council of Ministers is reportedly studying the issue and discussing the losses that owners of shops have to bear. He added that regardless of the reason for the closure of the shops, owners will still have to pay the wages of workers.

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