Former MP Abdullah Al-Kandari affirmed that the financial claims resulting from the infringement of public money are not forfeited or revoked by death, stressing that the reservations and claims in the case of the General Organization for Insurance’s funds are continuing and are not revoked by the death of Fahd Al-Raja’an.

Al-Kandari said, “Article 22 of the Public Funds Protection Law of 1993 confirmed that funds, compensation, and confiscations apply to heirs and legatees, and that the ruling to return those funds is enforceable for everyone,” reports a local Arabic daily.

Al-Kandari pointed out that Article 54 of the Anti-Corruption Law issued in 2016 confirmed that the death of the perpetrator does not prevent his heirs from claiming a refund, stressing the obligation of his heirs to return the sums and property with compensation.

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