The head of the Civil Service Commission, Dr. Essam Al-Rubaian, said the CSC is following up on new scientific disciplines that can keep pace with developments in the labor market, pointing out that cybersecurity and software science are two examples of the disciplines required in the market at present, as the authorities concerned with education outputs are addressed to provide such specializations.

In response to a parliamentary question by MP Osama Al-Zaid, Al-Rubaiaan said, “The CSC periodically follows up government agencies regarding their annual needs of various scientific disciplines, and studies these needs, to ensure their suitability in the field of work in the entity.

In the same context, CSC also coordinates with the authorities responsible for education outcomes, which are the Ministry of Higher Education, the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, and the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Private Universities, where they are provided with the desired majors based on the government needs, in addition to the specializations in which there are plenty of students.

Those registered in the central employment system, to direct admission towards the majors needed by the labor market, link the number of graduates to market needs, and reduce the majors that are abundant in the central employment system.

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