The Civil Service Commission has informed the government institutions of the terms and conditions concerning disbursement of of end-of-service benefits to non-Kuwaiti employees, based on numerous communications from the authorities requesting the disbursement of end-of-service benefits.

The terms and conditions require the recipient of the end of service indemnity to submit a copy of the end-of-service gratuity form issued by the integrated systems and a clearance issued by the Ministry of Interior “Department of Enforcement of Judgments” for the end-of-service to be paid, as well as a clearance issued by the Ministry of Electricity, Water and Ministry of Information.

The conditions also state a copy of the contract concluded for the case for which disbursement is required, a copy of the document showing the termination of the service and details of the comprehensive monthly salary, provided that it includes all the increases granted during the service, and entering all financial and functional data in the integrated systems of the CSC

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