Declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) a global pandemic, the novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19, is still carrying on hardheartedly killing and sickening more people worldwide.

In Lebanon, the health ministry on Thursday said that the coronavirus infections climbed to 663 after recording five new cases, while deaths still stand at 21.

Earlier today, the Lebanese army started providing social assistance to citizens, which were approved by the government last month for those whose work was interrupted due to the general mobilization imposed by the authorities to confront the virus.

In Iran, the health ministry affirmed that the death cases due to the virus reached 4,869 and the infections to 77,995.

Head of the press center at the Iranian Ministry of Health Kianoush Jahanpour stated that during the past 24 hours 92 deaths and 1,606 infections were confirmed.

Meanwhile, in Spain, the health ministry announced 551 new coronavirus deaths to reach 19,130.

In a statement, the ministry pointed out that the total number of infections climbed to 182,816 after registering 5,183 new cases in the last 24 hours, adding that 74,797 recovered from the disease.

In Austria, the health authorities in a statement said that the virus death toll surged to 410 after affirming 17 new death cases, noting that the infections reached 14,370 after discovering 124 new infections.

Thailand confirmed 29 new coronavirus cases and 3 deaths, taking the total of infections to 2,672 and the fatalities to 46.

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