As a strong measure against false PCR test certificates reported to be carried by arrivals to the country, Deputy Director General for Kuwait International Airport Affairs, Eng. Saleh Al-Fadaghi, said in a special statement to Al-Anba daily that soon outside testing laboratories accredited by the authority can update the results of the coronavirus test on the Kuwait-Traveler platform Kuwait Mosafer.

He mentioned that  the date for the process to start will be announced soon to include more than 20 countries from where more than 90% of passenger traffic comes to Kuwait. He added that other countries will be added during the coming period.

He stated that the new system, which was implemented by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) in cooperation with the Ministry of Health in accrediting outside testing centers, will help to prevent any possible falsification of PCR testing certificates from abroad, as the outside testing centers have been approved by the health authorities in Kuwait and are linked to the platform.

He empathized that the negative Coronavirus test certificate will be automatically uploaded through the platform, and any documents issued by the traveler will not be relied upon.

M. Al-Fadaghi also revealed that certificates obtained after vaccination against the Coronavirus will also be added to the app to be documented within the system, for future use when traveling to countries around the world or entering Kuwait.

He stated that Kuwait continues to limit the number of arrivals to the country to 35 passengers per flight until further notice, as that number is suitable for the bed capacity in the hotels participating in the institutional quarantine of arrivals, which currently totals to more than 47 hotels.

He also mentioned that Civil Aviation allows anyone, whether inside or outside Kuwait, as long as they have travelers’ permission, to register on their behalf and to set up hotel reservations and tests, and confirmed that all means of payment via credit cards and K-Net are accepted on Platform.

On February 20, the Government of Kuwait announced that it is extending the ban on the entry of non-Kuwaiti citizens until further notice instead of allowing non-Kuwaiti citizens to enter Kuwait on February 21 as previously announced.  There are exceptions available for first-degree relatives of Kuwaiti citizens and domestic employees traveling with them. Details can be found at

Passengers who are permitted to arrive in Kuwait are still required to obtain and travel with a negative PCR test result, in English, administered by a health clinic within 72 hours of beginning their travel to Kuwait. No translation into Arabic language is required. Passengers will still receive a PCR test administered by Kuwait health officials upon arrival (at the traveler’s expense). Children under the age of six (6) are exempt from the pre-arrival and on-arrival PCR tests.

Passengers who are permitted to arrive in Kuwait must undergo seven (7) days of institutional quarantine upon arrival at a hotel in Kuwait, at their own expense. Another PCR test, also at the traveler’s expense, will be performed on the sixth day of quarantine. If negative, the remaining seven (7) days of quarantine may be completed at home. Hotel booking and registration is done in advance of travel through Kuwait Mosafer (or the Belsalamah app for domestic employees who have registered).

Kuwaiti patients seeking treatment abroad, Kuwaiti students studying abroad, unaccompanied minors under 18, medical staff, and members of diplomatic corps are excluded from the institutional quarantine requirement and are instead subject to a 14-day home quarantine.

All arriving passengers must still download the Shlonik application prior to beginning their travel to Kuwait and register on the Kuwait Traveler Platform (Kuwait Mosafer).

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