At a time when the efforts of the Ministry of Health and other concerned parties to combat the emerging coronavirus are continuing, other strains appeared in some countries, which necessitated decisions to suspend the airport and close border and land ports for days, to ensure new and other coronavirus strains did not enter Kuwait, as well as following up on vaccines approved by international health organizations.

With the return of the airport with commercial flights, the health authorities continued the precautionary measures, and required all travelers coming to the country, citizens and expats who were stuck during the period of closure of the ports and flights a few days ago, to download the Shlonik app upon their arrival at the airport, and to implement quarantine procedures even for those who were previously quarantined in some transit countries. These people in quarantine will be verified by sound and image, to ensure they do not move from the site chosen for home quarantine for 14 days, in order to preserve public health and to avoid transmitting a possible virus infection if it appears later on the quarantined traveler.

The efforts of the Ministry of Health are continuing, and through its teams in more than one sector, with the aim of halting the epidemic and controlling any traveler of the virus that may appear at any time. The total number of swabs taken by the health teams from citizens and residents since last February until yesterday reached 1262238 swabs, which reflects on On the ground, the efforts made by the Ministry, especially that the swabs are taken in separate locations and in a random manner in many cases.

Dec rates

In terms of infections, the month of December recorded the lowest rates of infection with the virus since last May, as it witnessed the registration of 7592 cases, in addition to 53 deaths, and the number of people infected in Covid care 19 decreased during the past month, and reached 47 patients at the end, after it was 82 At its beginning, which is due to compliance with the health requirements applied against the Coronavirus, while last November witnessed the registration of 16,709 new infections, compared to 23019 in May, 19152 in June, 20,762 in July, 18152 in August, 20073 in September, and 20744 in October.

If last December had recorded 53 new deaths due to complications from Coronavirus, then the month of November witnessed 101 deaths, compared to 186 deaths in May, 142 in June, 93 in July, 84 August, 79 during September, and 169 in October, where the protocols succeeded.

Daily monitoring

Regarding the rates recorded during the past few months, informed sources in the Ministry of Health confirmed that there is daily monitoring of infection and death rates that are recorded daily locally, as well as following up the developments of the virus globally, and through communication with the World Health Organization, to monitor any update related to treatment protocols or new vaccines or even taking measures to reduce the spread of the virus.

In response to a question about the new strain, the sources clarified that the scientists indicated that infections with the new strain have not been proven more dangerous yet, noting that they are likely to be faster than the existing virus, noting that a number of countries around the world are currently facing a sudden increase in the number of coronavirus infections compared to the past few months.

According to the latest reports, 33 countries in the world have discovered cases of the new strain of Coronavirus, including 16 countries in Europe, 12 countries in Asia, two countries from North America and the same in Latin America, as well as Australia.  The Ministry of Health is conducting tests on some people with the virus, randomly from some hospitals, daily, with the aim of tracking any infections that could possibly be the new strain.

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