Popular cafes in many places around Kuwait are lamenting the lack of customers, as fears of coronavirus infection keep customers away from these local watering-holes.

Owners and employees of cafes in places like Hawally, Farwaniya and Khaitan that previously had customers waiting to be seated, especially on weekends and holidays, are now swatting flies and swapping stories of those heydays.

As the number of cases of coronavirus infection keeps increasing by the day in Kuwait, the number of customers visiting cafes keeps dwindling. One customer sitting by himself in a corner sipping his qahwa, when asked whether he was not scared of getting infected, reasoned philosophically: “We will only suffer from what God has destined for us. My friends and I gather here in the evenings after work to drink qahwa, play dominoes and chat with each other; it helps us forget our troubles. Today, I have been sitting here waiting for my friends to show up, but no one has arrived, probably because of fear from corona infection.”

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