The coronavirus deaths in the US surpassed 98,000 Monday, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The tally showed that the death toll nationwide reached 98,184 after recording over 460 deaths. Over 16,000 coronavirus cases were recorded Monday, bringing the confirmed cases across the US to 1,660,197.

New York is the hardest-hit state with 362,764 confirmed cases and 29,229 reported deaths.

COVID-19 death toll in India climbs by 146 to 4,167

Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said on Tuesday that death toll due to COVID-19 in the country rose to 4,167 while positive cases climbed to 145,380.

The Ministry of Health said in its morning update that COVID-19 death toll rose to 4,167 with 146 new deaths and the total number of infected people is 145,380 as 6,535 fresh cases were reported.

India had recently extended lockdown for the fourth time to curb the spread of deadly coronavirus in the country. The lockdown shall continue to remain in force until May 31 with several relaxations in the non-affected areas.

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