The European Union spokesman for the Middle East and North Africa, Luis Bueno, while praising Kuwait’s pivotal role in international and regional issues and its outstanding efforts in promoting security, peace and conflict resolution, announced the continuation of coordination and dialogue on the issue of exempting Kuwaitis from the Schengen visa.

In his response to Al-Qabas which was part of the Gulf media delegation to the European Union institutions in the Belgian capital, Brussels, Bueno confirmed that Kuwait plays a pivotal role in international and regional issues and files.

Regarding the crisis on the issue of exempting Kuwaitis from the Schengen visa after the execution of convicts with strict judicial rulings, during the past months, the European Union spokesperson said: “We have expressed our position on this issue, and we have a permanent and continuous dialogue with the Kuwaiti authorities.”

He added, “The European position on the death penalty is known, but the difference in opinions and positions does not constitute an obstacle to the path of joint relations, and we respect Kuwait’s position and its approach to controversial issues.”

Luis Bueno described the bilateral relations between the European Union and Kuwait as strong and solid and extended for many years, indicating that the Union supports Kuwait in international forums, citing the period in which Kuwait obtained non-permanent membership of the Security Council, as during this period there was deep cooperation between the European Union and Kuwait on many issues.

Bueno pointed out that the European Union currently has close cooperation with Kuwait regarding development files and humanitarian and relief aid for the Palestinians, Syrians and African people and those affected by humanitarian disasters and global crises, pointing out that the European Union is the largest donor of humanitarian and development aid globally.

He also indicated that more than 43% of development aid comes from the European Union, stressing that Kuwait plays a major role in the Gulf region and contributes significantly to supporting and enhancing stability in the region, as we have seen recently, and this is not new.

He added, Kuwait, with its humanitarian initiatives, actively contributes through it to supporting and enhancing stability, and the High Representative of the European Union is determined to strengthen relations with Kuwait.

He added, “On the international and regional level, Kuwait is part of the Gulf family, and we talk with it as friends, and this difference does not constitute an obstacle to the path of relations.”

He also described the relations between the European Union and the Arab Gulf states as very important for the Europeans, given the existence of common challenges that bring together the two sides in the Gulf region and beyond, and this is not only linked to the Ukrainian and Syrian crises, but is linked to other files, including climate change, and the file of security and peace in the region, which is considered a necessary file to ensure sustainable development in the Gulf region in particular, and the Middle East in general.

He pointed to the permanent and continuous consultation between the European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council states, pointing to the existence of an agreement between the European Union and the Gulf dating back to the eighties of the last century, and this agreement, of course, needs updating.

He added, “Updating this agreement was discussed a year ago by a joint declaration between the European Commission and the European Foreign Service, which urged the need to strengthen bilateral relations between the two sides.”

He pointed out that the consultations between the two sides deal with many files, including human rights, and we have diplomatic missions in various Arab countries, with the exception of the Sultanate of Oman, in which an embassy of the European Union mission is scheduled to open in the coming months.

4 pillars of relationships

— Joint coordination in cases and events
— Joint action to enhance security and peace
— Cooperation in development and humanitarian aid files
— Move to defuse conflicts and resolve differences

Regarding the diplomatic movement and the restoration of Gulf cohesion and the restoration of relations between a number of countries in the region, Bueno, considered that these steps are very positive and “we welcome them”, noting that the Gulf crisis with Qatar was undermining the capabilities of the Gulf and affecting many of the files, whether on the level of security or stability in the region.

He also stressed that the positive role of Kuwait was present in all these files, and we, as Europeans, are ready to contribute in every matter that contributes to enhancing security and stability in the region.

Al-Qabas has learned that the next dialogue between Kuwait and the European Union on human rights will be held before the end of this year in the Belgian capital, Brussels, after the two sides agree on a specific date.

According to the sources, the Kuwaiti delegation will be headed by Assistant Foreign Minister for Human Rights Affairs Talal Al-Mutairi, while the European Union delegation will be headed by the head of the Arabian Peninsula and Iraq Division in the European Union’s External Action Department, Anna Maria Panagiotakopoulo.

According to the sources, the agenda of the meetings will include many issues on human rights in Kuwait and the European Union, women’s and children’s rights, and employment.

On the other hand, the ministerial meeting between the European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries is scheduled to be held next October.

The European Union hailed the meeting of the Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council Jassem Al-Budaiwi, and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union, Josep Borrell, as a commitment to deepening relations between the two regional blocs.

“This meeting will be seen in the context of the Union’s commitment to developing and deepening the already good relations between the EU and the GCC countries,” Peter Stano, EU spokesman for foreign affairs and security policy, said.

He pointed out that the meeting was “very good” between Al-Budaiwi and Borrell, which proves the commitment of both sides and their attachment to fulfilling this jointly defined ambition to deepen our relationship, noting that there will be more meetings, of course.

Last Friday, Al-Budaiwi, met with Borrell, in Brussels, where the two sides discussed a number of issues related to the GCC states and the European Union, and other issues related to regional files.

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