As part of government moves to rationalize food consumption and reduce waste, the Minister of Commerce and Industry and Minister of State for Youth Affairs, Muhammad Al-Aiban, has issued a decision to form a committee to design and implement the national campaign to rationalize food consumption.

The Al-Rai daily has learned the decision defines the committee’s tasks in three basic matters:

• Conducting comprehensive research on current food waste statistics, trends, and contributing factors at the national level.

• Conducting studies to analyze social behavior and the motives behind misconceptions regarding the phenomenon of food waste and ways to address them.

• Designing and implementing a public awareness campaign to educate citizens and residents about the environmental and economic impacts resulting from food waste.

The decision set the duration of the committee’s work at two months, gave it the right to seek assistance from specialists and experts it deems appropriate, and urged the relevant departments in the ministry to cooperate with it and facilitate its work.

The committee is chaired by Dr. Reem Al-Fulaij, and includes Dr. Israa Al-Essa as vice-chairman, Dr. Nibal Buresli, Ayman Al-Ruwaih, Saud Al-Rakheikh, and Muhammad Al-Muzaini as members, and Ala’a Al-Saleh as a member and rapporteur.

Minister Al-Aiban had recently formed a committee to prepare a comprehensive vision for developing mechanisms for preserving and developing food and commodity stocks in cooperative societies and supermarkets, and to prepare a vision for an awareness campaign on the necessity of rationalizing food consumption and reducing waste.

He also reconstituted the permanent committee to select and include food and discounted food items in the ration card system.

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