Since the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources closed the zoo from March 2020 until further notice, as a precautionary measure to prevent the Corona virus affecting the zoo, the authority has not announced any specific date for the reopening.

Reliable sources told a local Arabic daily, this is a big loss for the country because before the pandemic this recreational facility was receiving about 170,000 visitors annually before the pandemic, from all walks of life and age groups and was one of the most important tourist and recreational attractions in the country.

Citizens now demand the restoration of this recreational facility in quick time pointing out that it is not logical to close recreational facilities in the country without announcing a timetable for their reopening.

After removing the restrictions related to the repercussions of the pandemic in the country months ago, the citizens ask, after resuming the recreational activities in parks, complexes, malls, restaurants and others, why the fate of the zoo is in limbo.

The zoo which sits on 180,000 square meters area is rich in many types of animals and birds and reptiles. The added attraction is the mini train which takes visitors around the zoo. On official holidays the zoo used to attract about 2,000 visitors.

According to informed sources, the opening of the zoo again will take some time, given the need to restore and develop its facilities, especially animal cages, electrical installations, toilets and infrastructure in general.

The sources pointed out the completion of these works requires approximately 6 to 12 months, in the event that these works are completed immediately.

The sources added that the zoo boasts of 190 species of animals, birds, reptiles and mammals, with a total of about 1,500 animals, and these animals were not affected by any diseases or losses during the period of closing the zoo more than two years ago, indicating that this is due to the conclusion of a contract with a company to supply food inside cages throughout those years.

The sources indicated that the modernization of the infrastructure, electrical installations, refrigeration devices and others is one of the main reasons for delaying the resumption of receiving visitors again.

The zoo was established in Omariya, in 1968, and went through many stages of growth and development, as it initially included the remains of Salwa Park, owned at the time by the late Sheikh Jaber Al-Abdullah. The park includes species of parrots and many other birds, and many reptiles, snakes, hippopotamuses, mountain rams, chimpanzees, lemurs and the Nile crocodile.

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