The Chinese ambassador to the country, HE Zhang Jianwei, said the Chinese-Gulf relations are distinguished, especially what China has done in terms of mediation to restore Saudi-Iranian relations keeping in mind the stability of the region.

Speaking to Arabic daily Al Rai the Chinese envoy said, “I believe that China and the Gulf states will work together on self-development and meet the aspirations of the peoples of the region to achieve security and peace.”

Commenting on a question about the (US Secretary of State Antony) Blinken’s tour to the Gulf, to keep in check the Chinese expansion efforts in the region, he said, “I did not follow Mr. Blinken’s visit, but any visit to the region has a positive role, so it is welcome, as the Gulf region witnessed a breakthrough in relations as well.” It witnessed positive momentum and interest in development, security and peace, and the international community must help the development of this trend.

He pointed out that China played a positive role in converging views between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and the two sides agreed to restore relations between them, which was welcomed by the peoples of the region, and China will continue its positive role in achieving stability in the region.

On the latest developments regarding the free trade zone between China and the Gulf, he said, “There have been consultations between the Chinese side and the Gulf countries for more than ten years about the establishment of the trade zone, and it was agreed upon by an overwhelming majority, and we consider the countries of the region a major trading partner for China, as China is the largest commercial trade partner for the Gulf countries, so I believe that if an agreement on the establishment of the free zone is successful, this will help achieve development for both parties, since there is a common desire on both sides to achieve this.”

He revealed the visit of a large Chinese cultural delegation to Kuwait to inaugurate the Chinese Tourism and Culture Festival at the Jaber Cultural Center, on June 19, to present cultural and artistic performances, indicating that although the Chinese tourism market for Kuwaitis is still in an infant stage, it will be a promising market as well.

He added, China expects the number of Kuwaiti tourists to increase during the summer

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