Mai Al-Baghli, the Minister of Social Affairs and Community Development and State Minister for Women and Childhood Affairs.

The protection and promotion of the rights of children is firmly supported in Kuwait’s constitution, the country’s social affairs minister said on Sunday, emphasizing that the development needs of this cohort are a core concern for Kuwait’s political leadership.

The Kuwaiti government has formed a legislative and legal system aiming to meet the educational, cultural and social needs of children, May Al-Baghli, who also serves as state minister for women’s and children’s affairs said during a ceremony organized by her ministry to mark World Children’s Day.

The minister cited the opening of the UN children’s fund UNICEF’s regional office in Kuwait as an effort by the Kuwaiti government to ratchet up cooperation with international bodies dedicated to the protection of children’s rights.

Minister Al-Baghli honors participants in the ceremony.
Minister Al-Baghli honors participants in the ceremony.

In his speech, Health Minister Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi described such initiatives as a humanitarian and moral obligation, underlining his ministry’s efforts to provide quality healthcare to children as part of global conventions approved by the Kuwait.

Minister Al-Baghli honors participants in the ceremony.
Minister Al-Baghli honors participants in the ceremony.

Echoing the ministers’ sentiments, UNICEF’S regional director in the Middle East and North Africa region Adeel Khodor praised the agency’s relationship with Kuwait, pointing out that the rights of children is part and parcel of Kuwait’s development plans. – KUNA

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