The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs has come up with some proposals and recommendations aimed at developing a mechanism for performing rituals in preparation for the upcoming Hajj season.

Sources who are familiar with the issue said the ministry “spare no efforts to create a comfortable atmosphere and for Kuwaiti pilgrims that contribute to their easy performance of rituals, said a local Arabic daily.

The daily added, the ministry teams are keen, before the start of the season, to finalize making the arrangements for the Kuwaiti pilgrims to perform rituals, preparing homes and camps for them at the Holy Sites, as well as their transportation, providing their health care, meeting their needs and overcoming any obstacles they may face.

The sources indicated the meetings and workshops will be held periodically, and all recommendations will be submitted to the Supreme Committee for Hajj Affairs to adopt what it deems appropriate and facilitates the pilgrims, pointing to many other proposals that will be discussed later, including the Hajj for bedoun and campaign prices.

Recommendations and suggestions

• Launching the “Central Registration” platform to list those wishing to perform Hajj

• Barcode for registrants to choose caravans prices that suits them

• The duration of the code reservation is 3 days, and the registration is automatically canceled after that, without deducting fees

• A model for the “Hajj permit” approved by the Civil Service Commission and the State agencies

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