Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer

CEE Network Culinary Arts and lifestyle Workshops held a two-day free basic baking classes in celebration of the International Women’s Month. The three hours event each session was sponsored by Philippines’ Pag Ibig Fund in Kuwait. The project was initiated by Hon. Jose Cabrera III Philippines’ Charges D Affaires in Kuwait in collaboration with Migrant Workers Office and Overseas Workers Welfare Administration.

In a message sent by Mac Khalil, Pag Ibig representative in Kuwait, stated that the department is honored to have been chosen to sponsor the event to promote the International Women’s Month and will continue to do so to provide opportunity to women to enrich their skills and knowledge on lifestyle workshops that can somehow help segment their income while working overseas or upon their return to their country.

Each class lasted for three hours where participants were provided for with free ingredients and hands on supervised session. The class allowed the participants to choose three different popular breads in bakeries and were given the know-how and proper procedures to create the products. Participants were amazed and overwhelmed as the products came out of the ovens tray by tray. “I came to the class knowing nothing about baking, I have never baked in my whole life but after seeing my products, the experience empowered me to go on discovering this newly acquired skill and knowledge, perfect them and somehow sell” commented Leah Hael, a recruitment agency staff.

Mariefe Torio, a Filipina chef, popular for her local delicacies and favorites spearheads the scholarship classes of CEE Network. “Since the time CEE Network moved to its new home, we have decided to create syllabus and practical approach to baking such as designing a home-based environment and equipment in order for them to be familiar with the whole process, after all they will have to start their businesses at home” commented Torio. Two more classes are currently open for registration and CEE Network hopes to involve sponsors to finance the project so participants will not incur no expenses. The incoming classes will cater solely to domestic workers working at home. “We hope that more participants will be available to avail the classes so they can use this knowledge to change their professions in future or opportunity to start small home based businesses” stated Cathrine Duladul, Acting Philippines’ Labor Attaché in Kuwait. For more details of the classes, they may check the social media sites: @ceenetworklifestyleworkshops or send message to 55650296 (Whatsapp).

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