Culinary classes organized by CEE Network Fridays at The Food Academy of a retail Hypermarket in Shuwaikh launched its first class on Commercial Baking Course, a five-week series of three-hours hands-on classes with the purpose of providing the initial knowledge on how to start a bakery and enhance your skills for those who have the knowledge on baking and pastry making.

The commercial baking course, scheduled every Friday from 9 am till noon, helps students develop the skills to create and bake traditional breads popular in a bakery. Fifteen to twenty breads are included in the syllabus. An extra class introduces invited speakers who will deliver talks on the subjects of Costing of products, Packaging and Marketing, Company Registration Procedures, Available loans for OFWs in the Philippines and dialogues with real bakers from the Philippines currently based in Kuwait with a focus on solutions to problems when operating a bakery.

“This course is very useful and informative for everyone and somehow gives you that assurance that after Kuwait, there exists the possibility of opening a small venture on baking and pastry making. No one is assured what will happen a day or week from now and having this knowledge gives us that confidence that somehow we can create something to generate earnings,” commented Marcella Patani, a student bound to leave for good from Kuwait.

Masterchefs and Trainers are available during the class to supervise and assist students to help them achieve ‘One Ingredient, one Procedure and One Product’ policy. For more details on the classes and course, call: 65019059.

Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer

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