Ask Mira

Mira is a go-to source for nutrition and wellness and writes a weekly column in The Times Kuwait
on nutrition and also answers your queries. You can send in your questions to
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Get glowing white teeth with a good diet

Everyone wants white teeth.  However, many everyday foods and drinks can really change the color of your teeth. So, here are some super foods...

Tips to lose extra water weight

Water retention is very common among obese people, and I know because I work with many such clients. Some of them are very obese...

Health issues associated with a low carb diet

If you are thinking of losing a couple of kilos by reducing your intake of carbohydrates, then you might need to reconsider it. Here...

Post-holiday weight-loss tips

Many people have put on some extra kilos during the holidays and it is really annoying especially for those who had lost weight before...

Cheese addiction

It is winter time, so what is better than introducing cheese to your holiday dinners.  Cheese is a wonderful source of protein, calcium and...

Tasty Kastana

It is winter season and Christmas is near. One popular treat is Chestnuts, and it is especially tasty for me during family gatherings and...

Best food for men’s health

Men are different from women in everything even when it comes to their nutritional needs. They need nutrients that can help them maintain muscle...

Kiwi, the tasty healthy fruit

Besides being an exotic zesty fruit that has a wonderful flavor, kiwi has a good reservoir of vitamin C and has substantial nutritional value....

Six foods that burn fat

Many nutritionists believe that the type of food you consume plays an important role in burning fat. Hence, I insist that my patients do...

Healing Power of Ginger

Ginger is always thought to be good for digestion and circulation, and I am sure that a lot of you have used it for...

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