Ask Mira

Mira is a go-to source for nutrition and wellness and writes a weekly column in The Times Kuwait
on nutrition and also answers your queries. You can send in your questions to
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Pregnancy: A healthy mom and baby

Eating for two: Pregnant women are often told to eat more, first of all for them and second for the baby. But eating for two...

Six Safe and Best Ways to Lose Fat

If you are trying to slim down for health reasons or just to fit back into that pair of jeans, you will need a...

Anxiety and Body Inflammation

Anxiety disorders are common. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 3.6 percent of the global population has different forms of anxiety...

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Inflammation is a natural process of the body as it fights infections and toxins, in an attempt to heal itself. So, when something damages...

Five Vegetables will keep your Health at an Optimal Level

Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are a rich source of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, dietary fiber, carbohydrates and carotene. The CSPI, Center for Science in...

Healthy Ramadan Drinks

Ramadan this year has arrived at the beginning of summer when dehydration is such a serious issue.  Dehydration can slow your performance and affect your...

A successful Ramadan Fasting… Ramadan Kareem

Fasting in Ramadan is simply a detoxification to our body. It is an effective way to clean our digestive system, and flush out all...

Cinnamon: A Natural Cure for High Insulin Levels

Diabetes, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Hypothyroidism are three health cases characterized by abnormally high insulin levels. If poorly controlled, these cases can lead to...

Veganism – the latest health trend

Let me first start by explaining what is a vegan diet? Simply put, it is one that excludes any food that comes from an...

Love your Heart…

Start showing your heart a little more love. Let us take some time to reflect on the true fact that heart disease remains the number...

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