Ask Mira

Mira is a go-to source for nutrition and wellness and writes a weekly column in The Times Kuwait
on nutrition and also answers your queries. You can send in your questions to
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Super foods for strong hair

Unfortunately with our present environment and pollution, having healthy shining and strong hair is not always possible.  Bacteria accumulating at the roots can weaken...

Limit salt consumption for your health

Less salt when cooking doesn’t mean less flavor, you have the alternative of using some herbs and spices. Your taste buds will barely notice...

Possibility of multivitamins aiding in weight lose

There is still no magic pill for weight loss, but taking a multivitamin might be the secret to a slimmer you! In a new study...

Benefits of eating raw liver

There is a lot of debate concerning eating raw liver. Some people say it is full of essential vitamins and minerals and we should...

Breastfeeding tips

Studies have proven that babies who were breastfed displayed a higher IQ when they got older, displayed a better performance in school and were...

Good spices for your body

Cinnamon: Lowers blood sugar, triglycerides, LDL ( bad cholesterol). It is a common ingredient in toothpastes, tooth washes and gums. Add cinnamon to your...

White or Brown Rice!

We all know that brown rice is healthier than the white rice! But do you know the difference? Actually The nutritional differences between brown rice...

Pick your cheeses carefully

When talking about cheeses, you don’t usually take into consideration the color of the cheese or try to differentiate between yellow and white ones....

Overcome your soft drink addiction

I can’t help but notice that an alarming number of young people are drinking sodas excessively especially at universities; many students are addicted to different...

Dealing with unwanted gas and flatulence

Overeating, eating too quickly, excessive consumption of soft drinks, emotional stress and drinking while eating are some of the major causes of flatulence and...

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