What are the products that contain carcinogens in the Kuwaiti market?  A question that preoccupies the majority of consumers, with the Ministry of Commerce announcing the implementation of inspection tours in markets and associations to “withdraw products that contain carcinogens” , which included 23 prohibited substances at the request of the Ministry of Health.

While the Ministry of Commerce and some cooperative societies published pictures of some of the products that were withdrawn, other markets and cooperatives returned to displaying the same products, which caused consumers to be confused, and raised questions about what is permitted and prohibited, especially since the ministerial decision displayed the names of the medicinal and scientific compounds of the materials that enter in the manufacture of those products without limitation (such as butyl – vinyl – propional – lylyal).

And with the initiative of some markets and cooperatives to delete images of products that were announced to be withdrawn from the offer, then returned to the shelves again, informed sources reported to a local Arabic that the problem is related to the interpretation of the Ministry of Health’s request, which stipulated the prohibition of the circulation of cosmetics whose composition includes the 23 articles, However, the decision of the Ministry of Commerce stipulated the withdrawal of all types of preparations that contain the substances and not limit them to cosmetics.

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