Minister of State for Economic Affairs Mariam Al-Aqeel, who heads the supreme committee to handle demographic imbalance, has made clear that the committee would exert all efforts to prevent visa trafficking in the country, including closing of fake businesses.
She added that those who obtained business licenses solely to profit from the sale of visas would have their premises shut down and their licenses cancelled. Al-Aqeel was responding to complaints filed by some license-owners whose shops and stores were recently shut down by the authorities.
Issuing resolution number 7/2019 on forming a special committee to follow up on the complaints by license-owners of stores and offices that were recently shut down, the minister pointed out that according to Kuwait license law, any business license that is not renewed within a year after its expiry,or if the business premises is closed for six consecutive months, the license will be automatically cancelled
Minister Al-Aqeel stressed that the resolution aims at fighting visa trafficking and the sponsoring of workers for businesses that are idle or inactive, as this has an impact on the demographic imbalance in the country.
Shel urged the owners of businesses that were recently shut down to legalize their status to avoid legal accountability in case of any related violation.
Meanwhile, the Public Authority for Manpower yesterday launched an inspection campaign at labor residences in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh to ensure they meet international hygienic and professional safety measures.