The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) announced, Monday, the sale of its recording studios in Maida Vale in London, which were known especially for hosting famous bands in programs that were impossible from the classics of British media.

The BBC said in a statement that it sold the studios – which it acquired in 1933 – to British producers Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner, as well as to the famous musician Hans Zimmer and his business partner Stephen Kofsky, reports Al-Rai daily.

“We are extremely pleased to have concluded a sale that will push forward the bright and vibrant future of making music in this iconic building,” said BBC Head of Music Lorna Clarke in a statement.

“Maida Vale Studios has been synonymous with artistic excellence for generations,” Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner said in the statement, saying they were “committed to continuing the BBC’s legacy in Maida Vale.”

Maida Vale Studios is located in West London and has hosted big names in music over the decades.

The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Beyoncé, among others, have performed on its stage.

These studios also witnessed the recording of “Peel Sessions” between 1967 and 2004, a famous program by DJ and radio presenter John Peel, which was broadcast for four decades on “Radio One” (Radio One).

The program soon became an institution in its own right, introducing British audiences to genres such as punk, reggae and hip-hop, while staying in direct contact with the innovators and avant-garde musicians of pop and rock.

In 2018, the BBC announced plans to move its music studios to east London, which sparked criticism at the time from some quarters.

The audiovisual group did not disclose the value of the sale, but the buyers are planning a multi-million pound renovation, according to the statement.

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