Statistics issued by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) show the average monthly wage for citizens in the labor market, comprising both the public and private sectors, was KD1,490 per month, while the wages of non-Kuwaitis stood at KD331.

A break-down of the CSB figures reveal that the average wage of Kuwaitis in the public sector was KD1,539, while the average wage of non-Kuwaitis in the public sector was KD732. Meanwhile, in the private sector the discrepancy was even wider with the average monthly wage for Kuwaitis being KD1,252 dinars, and that of expat workers being KD311. The statistics also shows a wide gender disparity in the average wages between male and female citizens in both public and private sector, with male citizens on average receiving KD1806, while their female counterparts received on average only around KD1260.

This gender gap was evident even when both sectors of the labor market were viewed separately; in the public sector, while the average wage of a Kuwaiti male was KD 1,878, that of a female citizen was only KD1,310. In the private sector, a male national received on average KD1,529 dinars, while the average monthly wage for Kuwaiti women was KD973.

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