In a recent inspection campaign targeting domestic worker recruitment offices, authorities have seized 22 offices for various violations. The crackdown, led by local law enforcement agencies, aims to ensure compliance with regulations governing the recruitment and employment of domestic workers.

The campaign, which was carried out in multiple locations, focused on inspecting offices involved in the recruitment of domestic workers for households. The goal was to identify any illegal practices, such as human trafficking, exploitation, or operating without proper licensing.

During the inspections, authorities discovered a range of violations across the seized offices. Some of the most common infractions included operating without the required licenses, engaging in fraudulent practices, and failing to meet the mandated standards for the welfare and fair treatment of domestic workers.

The authorities stressed the importance of addressing these violations, as they directly impact the rights and well-being of domestic workers. Protecting the rights of these workers is crucial, as they often face vulnerable situations and are susceptible to exploitation and abuse.

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