The Kuwait Anti-Smoking and Cancer Society announced that there is a strong tendency to raise the prices of cigarettes in the Gulf countries.

The chairman of the Board of Directors Dr Khaled Al-Saleh said in a press statement, that one of the important goals of the association is to continue efforts to raise customs fees on cigarettes to support the national anti-smoking program, especially to provide nicotine patches and other treatments for smokers in order to facilitate those who wish to quit smoking, reports a local Arabic daily.

He added the association had opened a smoking cessation clinic at its headquarters in Qadisiya in June 2021, and since then it has received about 125 smokers who wish to quit smoking.

Dr Al-Saleh pointed out those who undergo the ‘quit smoking program’ are monitored and are provided with medical consultations and free treatments, pointing out that the clinic has formed a team of psychological support group under the supervision of specialists to help smokers kick the habit.

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