The American Woman’s League (AWL) in Kuwait kicked off its 3rd Members Gathering with a delightful brunch at the Radisson Blue on September 9th . The event, hosted by AWL President Elizabeth Ayala, welcomed both new and returning members, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and shared purpose.

One of the focal points of the meeting was the election of board positions, a crucial step in steering the clubs activities for the upcoming year. Members participated in the nomination and voting process, ensuring the board is representative of the diverse interests within the community. 

Madam President  Elizabeth honorably invited one of the Clubs members Patty Marotte; a certified herbalist and Nutrition Coach, delivered a speech on the significance of spices in everyday healthy living and shed light on an often overlooked aspect of nutrition.

The President’s agenda also included discussions about the year’s planned activities and budget allocation, emphasizing AWL’s commitment to fostering outreach, social, educational, cultural, and philanthropic pursuits among its members. With a range of events including coffees, teas, dinners, and special occasions on the horizon, there will be ample opportunities for members to engage and connect.

Established in 1963, AWL has been a steadfast support system for American women in Kuwait. What began as a platform for sharing ideas and interests has evolved into a vibrant and diverse community of women dedicated to the same ideals of cultural exchange and mutual support.

AWL’s membership today reflects a global perspective, with women from various nationalities contributing to its rich tapestry. The organization actively encourages involvement in its committees and invites all members to participate in a wide array of events, from socials to awareness campaigns.

Membership in AWL is open to American women and nationals residing in Kuwait, as well as non-American residents through an “Associate” Membership. This inclusive approach allows for a diverse range of perspectives and experiences to be cultivated within the community.  For those interested in becoming a part of AWL, inquiries and membership details can be directed to The organization extends an invitation to all to attend upcoming events and experience firsthand the benefits and warmth of being a part of the American Woman’s League in Kuwait.  You can also find us on Instagram at AWLKuwait

Businesses and companies interested in collaborating with AWL, either through offering member discounts, event sponsorship, or general support, are encouraged to reach out with their information to further strengthen the ties between AWL and the Kuwait business community.

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