Croatian Ambassador H.E. Amir Muharimi
Croatian Ambassador H.E. Amir Muharimi.

The first ever publication on Kuwait in Croatian language

Staff Report

A comprehensive and well researched book on Kuwait has just been published by the Croatian Ambassador H.E. Amir Muharimi in his native Croatian language.

The book, which took more than four years to complete, is an amazing and excellent composition of Kuwait’s history that beautifully narrates the country’s past and the present. The meticulous work and attention to detail by Ambassador Muharimi is evident when one glances through the chapters and topics of the book.

The 337 page book has around 30 chapters that Ambassador Muhraimi painstakingly researched from almost 362 sources and 561 references.

Speaking to The Times Kuwait, Ambassador Muhraimi said the book is a result of his love for Kuwait, and also because he wanted to introduce Kuwait to the Croatian people. “I wanted to explain this small beautiful country, its wise and balanced actions and policies, and its friendly and hospitable people to Croatians,” he pointed out.

Ambassador Muhraimi who is a seasoned diplomat said that when he was posted to Kuwait he could not find enough information about Kuwait in the public domain. Croatian people knew little about Kuwait and hence his quest for understanding Kuwait began.

“Once I began reading about Kuwait my interest and curiosity grew,” he said, and revealed that the first book on Kuwait led to many more books and the thread of connections became even more interesting. “I had to understand Kuwait well before I began writing about it,” he said, adding that the quest for information became deeper and stronger as did his efforts.

Using open sources, visits to Kuwait University Library, Kuwait Research and Studies Centre, and meeting people became part of Ambassador Muhraimi’s daily routine in addition to his role as ambassador to this country.

The efforts and hard work fructified last week when the first copy of the book arrived in Kuwait from his home country, printed and published in paperback format. The book on Kuwait is the third by the Ambassador who has written two others books during his posting in Turkey and India, both of which deal with foreign policies of those countries.

The book on Kuwait has many relevant and noteworthy chapters that gives the reader a real understanding of Kuwait, its formation, growth and transformation to what it is today. It also has many historical facts that gives readers a clear timeline and understanding of the evolution and progress that Kuwait has made over the ages. The book also has chapters on the Souq Al Manakh crash and on the structure of Kuwait society.

Ambassador Muhraimi’s background as a sociologist also contributed in shaping the books narration in terms of insights and ability to weave a connection to social change and causes. He also has some great observations on how transformations occurred in Kuwait society up to the present day.

Understanding Kuwaiti society and way of life was a huge challenge for somebody not very familiar with the region. His efforts and persistence have prevailed with the publication of the book. “I used every opportunity in my talks with educated and wise people to try to understand the society,” Ambassador Muhraimi said, while adding that he credits several people for their invaluable contribution to his cause.

Initially the Ambassador set out to have a publication that would help Croatian speaking people to understand Kuwait but the book has gone much further than that. It has become a very useful source of history and knowledge in one publication.

“I do not have any hesitation if anyone would like to translate the book into any languages, including Arabic or English, so that knowledge can be shared,” he quips.

“It was a very fulfilling task to study Kuwait, a small country surrounded by great powers and different cultures in the region,” noted the ambassador, while stressing that “despite the difficulty of life in Kuwait in the beginning years, the rule began in a democratic way which led to the selection of the Al-Sabah family to lead Kuwait.”

He praised the unique cultural diversity in Kuwait and added that “perhaps the most telling evidence of this is the culture of Diwaniya, which is considered one of the most prominent platforms for opinion and thought in Kuwait, and it is one of the most unique traditions with its doors open to all without exception.”

Ambassador Muhraimi also praised Croatian-Kuwaiti relations as strong and excellent, and said that “over a period of time these ties have developed at all levels and in various fields of cooperation.” He also noted that the two friendly countries have close cooperation in international forums, and identical views on a number of regional and international issues.

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