Anita and ambassador Potuyt in a memorable pose at the embassy

Ambassador of The Netherlands H.E. Frans Potuyt and his spouse Anita de Vogel departed Kuwait last week after completing five successful and happy years in Kuwait. Prior to their departure they sat down for an exclusive interview with The Times Kuwait Managing Editor Reaven D’Souza to recall those special five years.

“We have had a very good five years here,” Ambassador Potuyt remarked as he began detailing the excellent relations the Netherlands and Kuwait share. “Culturally, politically and economically we have enhanced relations over this period, and we sat shoulder to shoulder with Kuwait at the UN Security Council during the past two years,” said the ambassador.

Ambassador Potuyt noted that Kuwait and Netherlands are small countries surrounded by big neighbors and they share excellent diplomatic relations in all fields. There were several high-ranking visits from both sides during his tenure and he helped further consolidate the strong relations between the two countries.

The Netherlands holds His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah in great respect for his positive role in the region in helping resolve disputes as well as for being the champion of humanitarian causes around the world.

A well-experienced diplomat with a career spanning more than four decades, Ambassador Potuyt is all praise for Kuwaitis who have played a crucial role in the region and world with their diplomacy. “Kuwaitis are well travelled and have been known for their good taste,” he noted.

The Netherlands is among the largest trading partners of Kuwait from the European Union, and as the ambassador pointed out, no wedding in Kuwait is complete without Dutch flowers. The supermarket shelves have a variety of Dutch products and Dutch technology is also widely used in the country from the new airport, oil refinery and various other sectors where the Dutch make their presence felt.

Ambassador Potuyt presenting a book on Netherlands to Managing Editor Reaven D’Souza

During his tenure Ambassador Potuyt ensured a constant and steady engagement with Kuwaitis on all fronts, including introducing the flying car that was developed by a Dutch company. 

Ambassador Potuyt praised Kuwait’s handling of the Corona pandemic in the country, adding that it was extremely difficult considering that many governments did not have much idea about the virus and its harmful potential and had attempted to tackle it differently.

Ambassador Potuyt’s one advice to Kuwait was to diversify their economy and not be so depended on an oil-based economy, “the Netherlands also made this transition from being one of the largest gas consumers in the EU,” he points out and adds that Kuwait was at the crossroads of making this change for the benefit of future generations.

He also made an observation that because of the restrictions for travel during Corona most Kuwaitis spent their summer in Kuwait and realized that there was not much to do. Hence Kuwait must also improve its entertainment infrastructure so people could spend time in the country as well.

Speaking about her experience in Kuwait, Anita de Vogel emphasized that she will also miss Kuwait and leave the country with good memories and a lot of tears because leaving friends behind was not easy. Anita praised the hospitality and friendly nature of Kuwaitis that made them feel so attached to the country in a short time.

A charming and graceful person, Ms. de Vogel was the President of International Women’s League (IWL) and had a lot of activities planned for the year but because of the Corona pandemic they could not hold them. Nevertheless, the few events held under her presidency were extremely well-received and enjoyable. 

Reaven D’Souza Managing Editor presenting a memento of The Times Kuwait interview to Anita de Vogel

While Ambassador Potuyt intends to spend his time in charitable causes on his return, his spouse hopes to reconnect with politics and prepare for the elections in March 2021.  

Her warm and affable character and Ambassador Potuyt’s jovial personality radiating warmth and friendship everywhere they went, made them a popular diplomatic couple. They leave behind good memories and further strengthening the strong bonds of friendship with their host country Kuwait.

By Reaven D’Souza
Managing Editor


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