The Assistant Undersecretary for Broadcasting Affairs, Dr. Youssef Al-Suraie said to cancel the Ministry of Information’s folk arts station and merge it with the Arabic singing station, is temporary until the completion of a new radio station to broadcast Kuwaiti and Gulf folklore.

Al-Suraie said told Al-Qabas daily, “I thank everyone who interacted with the issue raised by Al-Qabas, because that reflects your love and concern for the Kuwaiti and popular heritage.

“The people I presented with are great masters in the field of folk song, and the folklore station for 12 years has been broadcasting traditional songs, but over time there has been repetition, so we have a deep idea that we are working on to launch a station for folklore that provides a scientific and artistic value that introduces young people to these traditional folklore arts.”

Al-Suraie went on to say: “The new station will also be concerned with Gulf folklore, so we look forward to it being a platform to showcase all Gulf folklore, and we have on Radio Kuwait a well-studied plan for specialized stations, just as the successive broadcasters on Kuwait Radio were keen to raise the voice of Kuwait and give each station its local character, and before 12 years ago, the folklore station was the same as the old Arabic singing station, but there was a perspective at the time for the station to be concerned with folklore only.

Al-Suraie added: “With the passage of time, we received several calls commenting on the repetition of the songs, so it became necessary to merge this station with Arabic singing and give peak time to folklore, until we finish the Kuwaiti and Gulf folklore station, in order to integrate authentic folklore, especially since there are many Kuwaitis who sang in the Gulf and vice versa, and the archive of Kuwait Radio is full of these works, especially private arts such as liwa and tamboura.

Al-Suraie pointed out, “Wave 94.9, through which Radio Al-Zikr Al-Hakim broadcast, has been well received by the public, especially since there are those who only want to listen to the great reciters of the Quran in Kuwait, the Gulf and the Islamic world, and we support the trend to implement specialized stations and we have new ideas, but we need time, especially Matters require technical and legal procedures, and I thank, through you, the management of the studios and broadcasting.”

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