Chairman of the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry Muhammad Jassem Al-Saqr called on His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Misha’al Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah recently to discuss the issue of those expatriate workers who are 60 years and above and who hold only high school certificates, diploma or less.

Al-Saqr told Al-Qabas he sensed His Highness the Crown Prince has a deep understanding of the issue from all its dimensions, stressing that he is fully confident that this matter is on its way to a solution with a decision consistent with Kuwait’s economic and social interest.

The KCCI chairman told the daily, the meeting with HH the Crown Prince was very constructive, and “I felt His Highness the Crown Prince has a deep understanding of the issue in all its dimensions. I am fully confident that the matter is on the way to taking a decision that is in line with Kuwait’s economic and social interest, as well as with its humanitarian practice.”

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