In a move that is difficult for many to understand, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Hamad Al-Jaber and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Ahmed Al-Mansour announced their resignations from the government.

The two ministers said, in a joint statement: “Based on our oath, which requires us to be honest with ourselves, the political leadership and the great Kuwaiti people, we see that in light of the current political conditions, and in front of the heavy responsibility entrusted to us, there is an impossibility to work and achieve the reforms and development that the people deserve, especially in the quarrelsome and turbulent atmosphere,” reports Al-Jarida daily.

They added, “this sad reality came as a result of historical accumulations and failures on the part of the executive and legislative authorities.

“We do not exaggerate when we say that while we strive to work and achieve, unfortunately, achieving reform has become almost impossible, especially in light of this atmosphere, and the reality of the executive authority which requires us to carry out drastic and cumulative adjustments and reforms.”

They went on to say, “We swore to serve Kuwait and its people, and we were not given the opportunity to do so, and accordingly, we decided to resign and give the opportunity to others at this stage.”

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