All airlines operating at Kuwait International Airport will have to bear the PCR test costs for all arrivals to the country as of February 21, according to a circular issued by Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Al Qabas daily reported. In addition, Airlines are instructed not to permit passengers to board the planes to Kuwait, except after registering on the Kuwait Mosafer app.

The circular also stressed that there should be adherence to the Council of Ministers’s decision to ensure all incoming passengers undergo institutional quarantine for 7 days, in one of the hotels designated for quarantine and listed on the app. Failure to adhere to the conditions will invite legal penalties for the violator.

In this regard, an informed source revealed that ground service providers have finished setting up all logistical services and allocating sites for private laboratories at the airport to check all arrivals.

As part of the measures, from 21 February, all those wishing to travel to Kuwait will first have to make a booking for institutional quarantine in a local hotel for seven days through the official ‘Kuwait Traveler’ online platform. The spokesperson for the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Saad Al Otaibi said, “Airlines will have to ensure that the passenger booking a ticket to Kuwait also has the necessary institutional hotel quarantine booking, and has other travel requirements including for PCR tests on landing in Kuwait.”

He added that the hotel bookings are non-refundable, but the passenger had the choice of picking from 5- 4- or 3-Star hotels based on their budget. Following the seven days in hotel quarantine, the passenger would need to spend an additional seven days in quarantine at their homes.” He noted that health requirements for those quarantined will be the responsibility of the hotels concerned.

Each hotel will set aside full floors dedicated to quarantine, and packaged meals will be delivered to each guest in quarantine to avoid the potential of infection.


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