The Public Authority for Land Transport has implemented the works for the construction, completion and maintenance of the intersections on the Sixth Ring Road leading to the West Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area, an Arab daily reported.

Based on the latest report of the Government Performance Follow-up Agency on its September 2022 updates, the actual completion rate of the project is 43.92 percent as of May 2022, and the projected completion rate until September 2022 is 50.81 percent, with a difference of 6.89 percent delay from the schedule.

According to the agency, the project features a 600-meter suspension bridge with ramps for the bridge totaling to a length of 1,700 meters, a 45-meter-long car crossing with the sixth ring extension of 950 meters, four roundabouts and four ramps with a total length of 6,250 meters. It also includes a water drainage network for rain and freshwater, as well as brackish water networks, electrical cable relay, installation and supply of street lighting cables, switching telephone network services, and constructing soil retaining walls.

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