AmCham Kuwait recently visited the Del Monte fresh-cuts facility to get a first-hand look at the company’s operations and learn more about its products and standards. The visit was part of AmCham Kuwait’s ongoing efforts to learn more about sustainable packaging processes and best practices. The tour provided AmCham members with an insider’s look at the operation of fresh-cut facilities and the processes for these products.

During the tour, AmCham Kuwait members were given a guided tour of the Del Monte Fresh cuts facility where they learned about the company’s range of products and their packaging, including fresh fruits and vegetables, canned fruits, juices, and jams. They also spoke with Del Monte General Manager – Akram Kamal, who shared insights into the company’s history, business strategy, and commitment to quality. The company has a long history of providing high-quality products to customers around the world, and it was great to see first-hand the dedication and hard work that goes into producing these products through sustainable practices. As an organization committed to promoting trade and investment between the U.S. and Kuwait, we believe that companies like Del Monte play a key role in fostering economic growth and creating jobs. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Del Monte and exploring new ways to involve more sustainable agricultural technology, to ensure food security.

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