The ABCK – AmCham Kuwait’s Women in Business Focus Group hosted its final diversity and inclusion Diwaniya event for the year 2023, with a primary focus on the sustainability and continuity of diversity and inclusion strategies for organizations. This event served as a vital precursor to the final Summit, scheduled for December 6, which will consolidate the diverse topics discussed throughout the Diwaniya series. The event was attended by professionals representing various industries, as well as leaders from different government and private sector executives.

The Diwaniya provided a platform for in-depth exploration of numerous topics crucial for promoting diversity and inclusion within organizations. The agenda for the event included discussions on the importance of inclusion in the workplace, identifying and addressing barriers to women’s career progression and advancement, exploring strategies for women’s capacity building in the workplace, delving into the role of leadership in championing diversity, and inclusion and holding them accountable, strategies for creating a safe and supportive work environment and addressing challenges in sustaining diversity and inclusion efforts within organizations.

The discussions during the Diwaniya also delved into innovation, profitability, and increasing market share due to a diverse workforce. Experts shared invaluable insights on embedding diversity and inclusion into an organization’s culture, setting measurable goals, and fostering an environment in which employees feel safe to model leadership behaviors. 

Additionally, the event also highlighted the following principles for ensuring the continuity and effectiveness of diversity and inclusion efforts within companies. These principles encompass integrating leadership support into existing policies, procedures, and the overarching company strategy to make diversity and inclusion a fundamental aspect of the organization’s culture, implementing measurable metrics to gauge the impact of diversity and inclusion initiatives, and encouraging leadership to take an active role in mentoring female employees.

The event underscored the importance of creating and nurturing peer groups and providing employees with opportunities for mutual learning. Furthermore, the event addressed the availability of resources for training on conscious and unconscious bias, upskilling, and networking. It also emphasized the enforcement of diversity and its significance, particularly with women in leadership positions within both the private and public sectors, along with exploring sustainability commitments, strategic leadership, securing buy-in, educating leaders, and addressing problem areas through internal training, code of ethics, and workshops.

The Women in Business Focus Group of the American Business Council – extended a warm invitation to individuals, organizations, and business leaders interested in advancing diversity and inclusion to participate in this informative and engaging Diwaniya event.

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