A US-Israel delegation arrived in the UAE today, three weeks after the historic UAE-Israel peace accord was announced with a vision to help normalization relations between the two prosperous countries.

Israeli officials say that the delegation will discuss tourism, science, space, trade and investments, as well as cultural and health research, with their Emirati counterparts.
Led by Jared Kushner, Senior Adviser to US President Donald Trump – the delegation arrived at the presidential airport in Abu Dhabi onboard the first Israeli commercial plane to the UAE – featuring a design of the word “peace” printed in Arabic, English and Hebrew displayed above the cockpit window.

The UAE – Israel peace accord has received support from the United Nations, many world nations, and politicians cutting across party lines in the United States. “We are encouraged by the overwhelmingly positive reaction from the United Nations and more than 40 other countries around the world. They similarly view this accord as a breakthrough for peace and a framework to create even more positive change for the Middle East region,” Said Yousef Al Otaiba, the UAE’s Ambassador to the US.

Yousef Al Otaiba, the UAE’s Ambassador to the US.

Both the Trump White House and the Democrat party welcomed the announcement, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Al Otaiba highlighted that prominent US foreign policy and national security experts also praised the accord, including Dennis Ross, former special assistant to President Barak Obama; Dan Shapiro, former US Ambassador to Israel; David Ignatius, Washington Post’s foreign affairs columnist; and Thomas Friedman, the New York Times’ foreign affairs columnist who has covered the Arab world for decades.

Al Otaiba also stressed that the UAE will continue to remain a strong supporter of the Palestinian people – for their dignity, their rights and their own sovereign state. “As we have done for fifty years, we will forcefully advocate for these ends, now directly and bolstered with stronger incentives, policy options and diplomatic tools. Palestinian people also must benefit from the normalization,” said Otaiba.

Many experts noted that this could provide an opportunity for the Palestinians and Israelis to restart meaningful discussions. “…. this accord takes annexation off the table for a long time and creates space to resume negotiations around a two-state solution,” the ambassador added.

Experts predict that the improved relations between the region’s most advanced economies and dynamic societies will support economic growth and prosperity, spur technological innovation and entrepreneurship, and build greater understanding between our cultures. “I’ve always believed that we could establish peace with the Arab world and have been working toward that lofty goal for decades. In recent years, Israel has made advancements in ties with such countries as Sudan, Oman, Bahrain and other nations in the Gulf. I have reason to be very optimistic that the UAE will be followed by more Arab nations joining our region’s circle of peace,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In line with the groundbreaking accord, UAE President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan also chose to abolish the Israel Boycott Law. “The important decision to abolish the boycott on Israel and Israeli companies is an important step towards normalization. The UAE President took a historic decision that shows real leadership,” Lior Haiat, Spokesperson for Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

Following the abolition of the Israel Boycott Law, individuals and companies in the UAE may enter into agreements with bodies or individuals residing in Israel or belonging to it by their nationality, in terms of commercial, financial operations, or any other dealings of any nature. Based on the Decree, it will be permissible to enter, exchange or possess Israeli goods and products of all kinds in the UAE and trade in them.

In other developments, UAE Minister of State for Food and Water Security, Mariam Al Mheiri and Israel’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Alon Schuster, held a virtual meeting to focus on the great opportunities lying ahead for both countries as a result of the Peace Accord. The two ministers pledged to collaborate in areas of food and water security, both of great concern for the UAE and Israel, R&D, aquaculture, Agritech, and other fields.

Israel’s Bank Leumi Chief Economist, Dr. Gil Michael Bufman

According to Israel’s Bank Leumi Chief Economist, Dr. Gil Michael Bufman the UAE will also benefit from the agricultural technology that Israel excels in. “The UAE is interested in intensifying its food security, which is one of the major challenges due to the country’s desert climate and its dependence on importing agricultural goods from around the world.”

Another area in which the United Arab Emirates can benefit greatly from Israel is medical and health services and technology. “The average life expectancy in the UAE is low compared to that of Israel and most Western countries. The life expectancy of men in the UAE is 77.6 and for women it is 80.5. This comparatively low life expectancy is partly due to a nourishment regime that may cause high rates of diabetes.”

Unfortunately, the peace accord has also received some criticism from a region torn apart by decades of war, conflict and extremism. A grand scholar at Al Azhar Al-Sharif, Egypt’s renowned Islamic institution, rejected a fatwa by Al Quds Mufti where he wanted to forbid the Emirati people from praying in Al-Aqsa Mosque following the UAE-Israeli peace accord.
“As a specialist in Islamic Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) I can’t find any religious justification for declaring as haram (forbidden) the worship of any Muslim people in any mosque all over the world….” said Dr. Abbas Shuman, a member of Al Azhar’s Committee of Senior Scholars.

“Turkey has been maintaining normal relations with Israel since 1949 and was the first Islamic nation to recognize Israel. Turkey and Israel enjoy even economic and defense cooperation which far exceeds normalization of relations; and nonetheless, we have not heard – and we don’t want to hear – any Palestinian fatwa banning Turks from praying in Al Aqsa,” Shuman explained.

“To the best of my knowledge, our Islamic history has not witnessed any fatwa by the righteous forefathers and their descendants banning any Muslim from praying in any mosque around the world,” he concluded.

According to the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Council of the Emirates, Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, he believes this accord is like a family reunion. “Where is peace not important? There has been so much instability over the past decades and millions of refugees. Hopefully, this will bring renewed stability to the region, which is the platform for economic empowerment of millions of people who need it…. I am optimistic that in the long run, this accord will help bring dignity and safety to Palestinians.”

“The construction of the Arab identity in the West, and in Israel, has been one of violence and intolerance. Encountering the openness of the UAE will challenge that stereotype….. Peace is made between peoples, not leaders. The more we can build on face to face contact, the better.” he concluded.

By Hermoine Macura-Noble
The first Australian English speaking News Anchor in the Middle East. She is also the Author of Faces of the Middle East  and Founder of US-based 501c3 charity – The House of Rest which helps to ease the suffering of victims of war. For more from our Contributing Editor, you can follow her on Instagram, here.


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