The first half of this year recorded remarkable changes in the level of national labor demand for employment in the private sector. A report issued by the “Labour Market System” revealed 183 citizens left the corporate sector, in light of demand for recruitment in the oil sector.

Among the report, a copy of which has been obtained by a local Arabic daily, 250 citizens were hired by oil companies, the largest number of them in state-owned companies.

The report said 63 Kuwaitis working in the government or the private sectors moved to work under Chapter Five (small and medium enterprises). The sources pointed out that 16,885 Kuwaitis are registered under Chapter Five and have their own small and medium enterprises projects — 57.1% of them total women.

With the new changes, the presence of national labor in companies has become the largest compared to other non-governmental sectors, where 50,537 Kuwaitis were registered, and then 2,057 in state-owned oil companies.

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