Preliminary estimates indicate a decrease in the rate of expatriates visiting health centers by between 20 and 25 percent, since the imposition of fees for dispensing medicines as of December 18, at 5 dinars for health centers and 10 dinars at hospital outpatient clinics.

The health sources told Al-Rai the estimates are based on a comparison between the current numbers recorded between December 19, 2022 and early February 2023, and the official statistics for the year 2020, when visits by non-Kuwaitis to emergency clinics in hospitals reached 975,553. The sources suggested that the number of visits would decrease by about 300,000 by the end of this year.

And at the level of outpatient visits in general and specialized hospitals, the sources indicated that “visits from expatriates amounted to 701,156, according to 2020 statistics,” and it is likely that their number will drop.

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