The first quantities of AstraZeneca – Oxford vaccine are likely to arrive in Kuwait next week. The initial shipment of 200,000 doses, with another 800,000 doses expected to arrive during next February and early March, Al Qabas daily reported.

Sources revealed to the daily that the imminent approval and licensing of the supply process is linked to the date of its official approval and licensing locally, as it must be registered first.

About the advantages of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the sources noted that it is easy to store, as it requires a temperature between two and eight degrees Celsius, which is the temperature of regular refrigerators, unlike other vaccines, which can only be stored in the long term at very low temperatures reaching 70 degrees below zero.

The vaccine can combat the new strain of Coronavirus, which has caused widespread infections in the United Kingdom and South Africa, in addition to being effective, safe and its side effects are very rare.

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